Academic Referencing

Whatever writing you do at college or university level may require you to reference your resources to support your critical thinking and develop your theological understanding.

Referencing is a standard, global requirement used in academic writing. It is necessary to share as a framework that contextualises the content and helps the reader know where a concept, motivation or idea has come from.

Referencing helps the reader understand the depth of understanding and level of research undertaken for a specific topic. It also enables the student to acknowledge other people’s work.

PBC utilises two different referencing styles. Each course will specify the referencing style it requires.

In addition to the information on this page, students can find more information on referencing in the Student Handbook.

Theology students

For all theological degrees, PBC follows the University of South Australia Harvard referencing system. A guideline for this referencing is available here: UniSA Referencing Guideline.

Counselling students

For counselling degrees, PBC follows the APA 7th Edition referencing system.

For more information about this referencing style, please visit the APA website:

Referencing software

To make referencing assessment items easier, we recommend using Zotero referencing software.

The referencing style corresponding to the PBC referencing guidelines is University of South Australia 2017 – Harvard, which can be downloaded for Zotero.

The APA 7 referencing style should be the default style installed with the software.

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“The thing I loved most about PBC was the environment. We have a Christian community on campus, support from the lecturer, lovely students and fellowship. It has encouraged me to feel part of the community.”